Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Enlargement of the Prostate Gland- Causes, Symptoms, Treatment
It is a disease whose main symptom is benign prostatic hyperplasia. Benign prostatic hyperplasia is not as dangerous as prostate cancer, but it is an unpleasant condition for men.
Other names for benign prostatic hyperplasia are benign prostatic disorder and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Prostate enlargement is a normal physiological change. There are two stages of development. One phase begins at puberty, and the second phase begins after age 25. And this second stage of development is a biological process. Therefore, abnormal prostate growth usually occurs in the second stage.
What are the effects of an enlarged prostate?
An abnormally large prostate affects nearby muscles and veins. Since this gland is an important part of the human urinary tract and reproductive system, an enlarged prostate puts pressure on the urethra, affecting the normal flow of urine.
Urethral pressure prevents complete emptying of the bladder, resulting in enuresis. Therefore, there are many more complications associated with an enlarged prostate.
If you have prostate problems, you can get treatment from your best urologist.
What is the cause of benign prostatic hyperplasia?
Although the exact cause of BPH is still unknown, scientific research and theories support several mechanisms associated with BPH.
The age factor is one of the causes of prostate enlargement, as this condition occurs most often in older men.
Some studies have shown that men who have their testicles removed before puberty do not have an enlarged prostate. This theory suggests a link between BPH and factors affecting the testicles.
Normal men have a lot of testosterone in the body, but with age the level of this hormone begins to decrease, the balance is lost. Researchers have proven that high levels of estrogen stimulate certain substances in the prostate that can cause prostate cells to divide more, leading to an enlarged prostate.
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is a male-specific hormone that promotes prostate growth. Researchers have theorized that testosterone levels decline in older men, but dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels remain high, causing prostate enlargement in older men.
Who is most at risk of developing benign prostatic hyperplasia?
over 40
I have a family history of an enlarged prostate.
He is not very active and does not do physical activity.
You are overweight and have health problems such as diabetes, heart problems or high cholesterol.
History of erectile dysfunction.
What are the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia?
As already mentioned, the prostate is an important part of the male genitourinary system. Therefore, deviations in its size affect the urinary and reproductive systems and are manifested by the following signs and symptoms:
Encourage him to pee more. 8 or more times a day.
Urgent need to urinate with loss of urinary control.
poor urine flow
discharge during urination
Urinary retention (incomplete emptying of the bladder).
Loss of control over urination, a condition known as urinary incontinence.
pain when urinating
pain after ejaculation
Characteristic color and smell of urine
Benign urinary tract hyperplasia is a very silent condition. People often don’t realize they have a problem until they experience symptoms, such as the inability to urinate normally.
The severity of symptoms does not depend on the size of the prostate. Instead, some men have mild prostate symptoms, while others have a slightly enlarged prostate.
Is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Curable?
Benign prostatic hyperplasia is a treatable condition. The urologist will recommend treatment based on your symptoms.
Lifestyle changes are important in the management or treatment of enlarged prostates. Exercise regularly to improve bladder control, avoid alcohol and smoking, prevent constipation, and so on. There are several important lifestyle changes to treat an enlarged prostate.
Medications are also used to treat enlarged prostate.
Minimally invasive procedures are being developed to relieve symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Surgical treatment is also used to treat enlarged prostate.
When do you go to the doctor?
If you have the above symptoms of BPH, see a urologist. Since these symptoms are very similar to those of some serious conditions such as prostate cancer, it is important to rule out the real cause of symptoms in a timely manner. You need immediate treatment if you cannot pass any stools or have diarrhea, blood in the stools, and severe pain in the lower abdomen.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia is a common problem in elderly men. It’s not as dangerous as prostate cancer, but the symptoms are very disturbing. Prostate enlargement depends on several factors that contribute to urinary tract and reproductive system disorders in men. Enserged prostate is a condition that can be treated with simple lifestyle changes, medications and surgery. Consult the best doctor in Pakistan for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) through marham.pk.