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Low and normal blood oxygen levels: What to know

Low and normal blood oxygen levels: What to know

Low and normal blood oxygen levels: What to know

Red blood cells carry a lot of oxygen, take it from the lungs and distribute it to all parts of the body.

The body carefully monitors blood oxygen levels to keep them within a certain range so that each cell has enough oxygen to meet its needs.

The level of oxygen in a person’s blood measures how well the body transports oxygen from the lungs to the cells and is important to a person’s health.

Normal and low blood oxygen levels

A healthy blood oxygen level is between 75 and 100 millimeters of mercury (mmHg).

If the blood gas (ABG) test shows an oxygen level of less than 60 mmHg. Artists and the medical community are trying to minimize it. In some cases, people with these findings may need supplemental oxygen.

Blood oxygen levels that are too low for the average healthy person are a sign of a condition known as hypoxia. It occurs when the body has difficulty delivering oxygen to all its cells, tissues, and organs.


Oxygen saturation

Health care professionals often use a device called a pulse oximeter for quick testing and continuous monitoring. The device can be attached to a person’s fingers.

A healthy oxygen saturation level is 95% to 100%. If a person’s levels are below this threshold, symptoms of hypoxia such as shortness of breath and confusion may occur.

How is oxygen measured in blood?

ABG testing is a common way to monitor blood oxygen levels. For this test, a blood sample is usually taken from an artery in the wrist. Although this method is very accurate, it can be quite painful.

The doctor is doing an ABG test at the hospital. However, you can test yourself at home using a small device called a pulse oximeter. ABG testing cannot be done at home.

A pulse oximeter is usually a small clip on your finger, but you can also use it on your ear or foot. It indirectly measures the oxygen content of the blood by absorbing light from a person’s pulse.


Blood oxygen testing is easier, faster and less painful than ABG testing, but it is not as accurate. Many factors can affect your results, including the credibility of the source.

Symptoms of low blood oxygen levels

Low blood oxygen levels can reduce circulation and cause symptoms such as:

What causes low blood oxygen levels?

The medical term for low blood oxygen is lack of oxygen in the blood. This can cause:

Lack of oxygen in the air

The lungs do not get oxygen and deliver it to all cells and tissues

Blood does not circulate through the lungs and carries oxygen throughout the body

Conditions that cause hypoxia

Many conditions and medical conditions contribute to the above factors, including:


Certain medications, including certain medications and pain relievers

When to call the doctor

People should see a doctor if:

Pay attention

Treatment options for low blood oxygen include supplemental oxygen. Doctors can prescribe in-office oxygen therapy and may also prescribe or recommend home oxygen therapy (HOT).

There are many heat tracking and delivery devices available, but some require a prescription.

People can make lifestyle changes to reduce symptoms of hypoxia and improve overall health and quality of life. Changes that may help include:


Many conditions can cause low oxygen levels in the blood. Treating the underlying condition usually improves blood oxygen levels.

People with chronic lung conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease who have COVID-19 may need regular blood oxygen monitoring.

People with hypoxia can also make lifestyle changes, such as changing their eating and exercise habits. When combined with oxygen therapy, these changes can help increase a person’s oxygen saturation level.



The oxygen level in a person’s blood indicates the amount of oxygen in the blood. On a pulse oximeter, doctors consider this level to be less than 95 percent.

Many conditions can lower blood oxygen levels, including asthma, anemia, and COVID-19.

Treatment often involves addressing the underlying cause, but sometimes doctors recommend oxygen therapy or lifestyle changes.

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