DMCA & Copyright Policy
This Site Complies with the DMCA-
Our website complies with the Safe Harbor provisions of 17 U.S.C. §512, also known as the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”), because we do not store copyrighted content on our websites / servers. All posts are created for sharing purposes only and all linked content is stored on third party websites only. Since freedom of speech is permitted, we do not engage in copyright infringement of any kind. does not condone, allow or disallow the uploading of copyrighted content to our servers. Please make sure you read and understand this policy before submitting a copyright infringement report.
DMCA accepts DMCA notices of infringement of copyrighted material.
1.We do not host any of the files shown on Media Review It.
2. We index these files that reside on remote servers over which we or our affiliates have no connection/control/connection.
3. Download files from another hosting service. (not from our server)
4. All software and applications are presented for cognitive purposes only.
5. When you need to uninstall/uninstall a certain software/app from your Android device/PC.
6. If you do not delete files from your computer/device, you are violating copyright laws.
7. All rights to software and applications belong to their respective owners.
8. We are a software/application search engine, so we do not store or host any copyrighted files or other material on our server, but we do respect copyright laws. So, if you found a search result of a pirated software/app, please use the form below.
In general, we respect the rights of developers and app makers, and we hope you’ll work with us to keep our community a creative, legal, and positive experience for everyone, including artists and content creators. Please note that under Section 512(f) any person who knowingly misrepresents infringing material or conduct may be held liable for damages. Do not make false claims!
Please also note that the information in this legal notice may be forwarded to the person who submitted the allegedly infringing content.