4 Different Types of Strength and Their Benefits
Do your clients follow a proper strength training program to achieve their fitness goals? Increasing muscle strength is one reason to start an exercise program; However, not all strength training is the same and it is important to follow the right type of training program to achieve a specific strength training goal. For example, high-intensity training requires heavy weights for limited repetitions, while improving explosive power requires moving from light to moderate weights as quickly as possible.
Power training is the practical application of Newton’s second law of physics, which defines power as the product of its mass and acceleration (power = mA). In general, power is the ability to accelerate the pelvis from a resting position, resulting in muscle strength. From a physiological point of view, power is the ability of muscle motor neurons and associated muscle fibers (collectively referred to as motor units) to activate the force required to achieve a specific dependent resulting strength for that, First, it is important to define the specific type of strength needed for success and design an exercise program to develop that strength.
The magnitude and rate of force production is determined by the ability of all muscles to recruit motor units. Achieving optimal levels of force would have required muscle coordination (the ability to recruit all motor units in the muscles shown) and muscle coordination (the ability of several different muscles to work together to produce a single force). is
A requirement of anyt strength training program is the structural integrity of the musculoskeletal system to control static stability of the joint, while mobile joints allow unrestricted, multilevel movement by goes by the principle of resistance and force in the degree in the the Exercise Program . In response to the type of activity used. Moving a larger mass at a lower speed produces one type of force, while rapidly accelerating an object of smaller mass produces another type of force. Also, keeping the weight constant at a constant speed for a large number of repetitions creates a different type of force. With a better understanding of how to achieve this with all types of strength and exercise, we can help our clients reach their full potential.
Below is a list of the different types of strengths, and a brief overview of the training program needed to achieve that result
The active force
Ability to coordinate, control and generate muscular power in a crowded environment.
Traditional strength training focuses on generating small muscle action to move a load in the plane of motion; However, many jobs require the ability to maneuver large objects in multiple phases of gravitational motion.
Example: Picking up and carrying a small child, laundry basket or bag
I’ll be healed
Produce the force needed to move the objects from one place to another.
Improves the flexibility of muscles and connective tissues to reduce injuries such as sprains or muscle strains.
Improve functioning in specific areas or activities of daily living (ADL).
Training strategy
Exercise options: Lots of activities using a variety of free weights (dumbbells, medicine balls, sandbags, etc.) or cable machines
Intensity : Low-moderate, 50-75% of your recommended 1-rep maximum (1RM) for a given workout
Delegates: 12-15+
Tempo: variable speed: slow and fast
Set: 2-5+
Rest time: 30-90 seconds
Strength to endure
The ability to maintain a constant level of muscle contraction or strength over a prolonged period of time.
Metabolism relies on aerobic capacity to remove waste and deliver oxygen and nutrients to working muscles.
Examples include: an endurance event such as a 10K, marathon or triathlon; gardening or other tedious household chores; High volume bodybuilding type training
I’ll be healed
Maintains postural stability for long periods of time.
Improves aerobic capacity of working muscles
Explosive power
Generating the most energy in the shortest possible time. Short circuit occurs immediately after stretching. The focus is on the speed of movement through range of motion (ROM).
The blast force depends on the ability of the contracted part to cock quickly. while the force increases the elastic tissue’s ability to shorten the stretch-to-strain transition time during the stretch-shortening cycle.
For example: Olympic lifts such as shot put, snatch, and clean and jerk; Instant escape from danger
to get
improve motor unit recruitment speed and improve muscle coordination.
Reduce response time
Improve the flexibility of muscles and connective tissue.
Activates type II muscle fibers.
Training strategy
Choice of exercises: single joint and joint movements with different independent weights.
Intensity: 40-75% 1RM
Replay: 1-6
Rhythm: as fast as possible
Series: 2-5+
Rest time: 30-90 second
It’s a great power
High levels of muscle strength that can be developed High strength is the ability of a given muscle or muscle group to accept and activate all motor units to create more tension against external resistance. Communication within and between these muscles requires a lot of strength. performance level of the muscle nerve
For example: powerlifting, squat, deadlift and bench press, and strongman competitions.
to get
It uses Type II (fast twitch) muscle fibers that work much harder.
Increase muscle building hormone levels
Increase bone density and strength
Improve performance in multiple sports and ADLs
Trainnig strategy
Exercise classification: combined and single joint movements using light weights or classifications.
Strength: 90-100% 1 RM
Productivity: 1-4
Pace: Faster than slow (although the lifter tries to use more speed, but the weight moves more slowly).
Groups: 3-4+
Rest time: 2-4 minutes