What causes pimples?

What causes pimples?
A pustule is a small pimple or papule. Acne occurs when oil glands become clogged and infected, resulting in red, swollen, pus-filled blisters.
Pimples, also known as white dots or acne, are part of acne. They usually appear during pregnancy, but can occur at any age.
Hormone production changes during pregnancy. This can increase the activity of the sebaceous glands in the hairline. As a result, acne often occurs during puberty and during menstruation in women.
This is because these areas of the skin have a lot of sebaceous glands.
Acne, the leading cause of acne, affects more than 80% of teenagers. After the age of 25, it affects 3% of men and 12% of women.
There are different types of acne and the signs and symptoms vary:
Whiteheads: Also called dark blackheads, these are small pimples that live under the skin. They look like small flesh-colored papules.
Blackheads: Also called open comedones, they are easily visible on the skin. They are black or brown due to oxidation of the skin pigment melanin.
Some people mistakenly believe that this is caused by dirty skin and vigorous wiping of the face. Rubbing doesn’t help.
Papules: These are small, hard, rounded lumps that rise above the skin. It is usually pink.
Blisters: the blisters are filled with pus. It is clearly visible on the skin. Red at the base and above the urine.
Nodules: similar to papules in shape but larger. The skin may be sore and bruised.
Cysts: shows uo clearly on the exterior of the skin. They are filled with pus and often painful. Cysts often cause scarring.
Pimples appear when the pores are clogged with sebum and dead skin. Sometimes it leads to infection and inflammation. Why it affects some people more than others is unknown.
Sebaceous glands and acne.
Sebaceous glands are small skin glands that produce sebum, an oily or oily substance that lubricates the skin and hair.
Sebaceous glands are found in the pores of the skin all over our body except our palms and toes. The face and skin have more sebaceous glands than anywhere else.
As the glands in the follicles produce sebum, new skin cells are constantly growing and wearing away the outer layers of the skin.
Sometimes dead skin cells are not removed. They sit in the pores and stick to the sticky sebum, which clogs the pores.
Clogged pores are common during pregnancy because the sebaceous glands produce more sebum during this time.
Bacterial infection
When oily, dead skin cells build up and clog pores, they encourage the growth of unwanted bacteria, including Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes), the slow-growing bacteria associated with acne.
Propionbacterium acnes can be found harmlessly on our skin, but under the right conditions it can quickly grow and become a problem. Slow-growing bacteria eat the sebum and produce a substance that stimulates an immune response. This leads to inflammation and scarring of the skin.
Although acne is associated with a bacterial infection, it is not contagious. A person cannot make acne from another person.
Things that can be harmful.
Because acne is common, hormonal and genetic changes may play a role, but other factors may also play a role.
Good and bad bacteria
Just as our gut contains “good” bacteria that protect against disease and “bad” bacteria that cause disease, researchers say the same is true for the skin.
Researchers at the University of Washington School of Medicine found that 20 percent of people who drank manna Source
P has the opposite effect of another acne stressor. Unlike people with healthy skin, people with acne do not have this stress.
This may indicate that certain types of bacteria determine the severity and frequency of acute flare-ups. Researchers suspect that these bacteria may interact with various factors such as hormones and sebum levels. They call for more research.
Acne-like breakouts are also associated with fungal infections.
Pterosporum, also known as Malassezia or folliculitis, occurs when the Pterosporum yeast invades and grows in the hair follicle, causing small round, itchy, pimple-like bumps. It usually appears on the chest, shoulders and back of the head, but it can also affect the face.
Most people have this yeast on their skin, but it can cause problems when it grows. It can happen to young or middle-aged men and women.
Humid and sweaty environments, clothes made of synthetic fibers and the use of products for oily skin can aggravate the condition.
This condition is common in young people, possibly due to overactive sebaceous glands.
Antibiotics commonly used for acne can make it worse because they kill the bacteria that control the yeast. Malassezia requires antifungal treatment.
Testosterone sensitivity
Researchers have found a link between acne breakouts and high levels of testosterone and other androgens, the “male” hormones that are also found in small amounts in women.
High testosterone levels seem to be a reliable source of inducing excessive activity in the sebaceous glands, making pores and acne more likely.
Nutritional factors
The role of diet in acne is unclear, but since a healthy, balanced diet is known to promote good health, certain dietary factors may influence the likelihood of acne breakouts.
Vitamins A, D, and E are all known to play a role in maintaining healthy skin, so it’s possible that getting enough of these vitamins can help prevent acne.
Milk consumption is linked to obesity. If milk is a factor, it may be due to hormones in the milk. However, the results were inconclusive.
It is often said that sugar and chocolate cause acidity, but research has not supported this claim.
Studies have linked a low glycemic index (GI) diet to lower blood insulin levels, lower androgen levels and less risk of acne.
However, the results are inconclusive. Additionally, advocating a low-GI diet can prevent people from eating enough whole grains and other healthy foods that can provide beneficial nutrients.
Although acne is related to the production of sebum, it is not advisable to avoid all fat in the diet. Healthy polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats are important for important body functions. A fat-free or very low-fat diet can dry out the skin and lead to overproduction of sebum.
A good intake of fats from fruits, seeds and olive oil can help control inflammation, help the body maintain healthy blood sugar levels and keep the skin properly hydrated. Infection to provide effective barrier and immune response to prevent bacteria
If dietary changes will play a role in acne treatment, the AAD recommends that they be an “adjunct to an established acne treatment” rather than a stand-alone treatment. They recommend that people monitor themselves to find out what may be causing the flare.