Natural ways to cleanse your lungs

Natural ways to cleanse your lungs
Lung cleansing procedures can benefit people who smoke, people who are frequently exposed to air pollution, and people with chronic diseases that affect the respiratory system, such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and cystic fibrosis.
Air pollution, cigarette smoke and other irritants can damage the lungs and cause health problems. Maintaining healthy lungs is vital for the entire body.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 4.2 million people die each year worldwide due to air pollution.
Since the lungs are self-cleansing organs, they can begin to heal when they are no longer exposed to pollutants.
In this article, we will discuss some of the methods that people can try to clean their lungs.
Is it possible to clean the lungs?
Individuals improve lung health by “cleaning” their lungs. The best way to ensure the health of your lungs is to avoid harmful toxins such as cigarette smoke and air pollution.
In addition, it can include certain lifestyle habits, such as regular exercise and eating right.
When the lungs are exposed to pollutants, the chest can become full, tight or swollen. Mucus traps bacteria and pathogens in the lungs, which can cause a feeling of being pregnant.
To relieve lung congestion and other painful symptoms, people can use special techniques to clear mucus and irritation from the lungs.
Some of these methods can open the airways, increase lung capacity, and reduce inflammation, which in turn can help reduce the effects of lung pollution.
How to clean the lungs
Below we look at breathing exercises and lifestyle changes that can help clear excess mucus from your lungs and improve breathing.
Steam treatment
Steam therapy or steam inhalation involves inhaling moisture to open the airways and can also help loosen mucus.
People with lung disease may find that cold or dry air makes symptoms worse. This hydrogen can dry up the mucus in the airways and block blood flow.
In contrast, steam adds warmth and moisture to the air, which improves breathing and helps loosen mucus in the airways and lungs. Moisture absorption provides immediate relief and makes it easier for people to breathe.
Some evidence suggests that inhaling steam can help relieve sore throats, loosen thick mucus, and be beneficial in polluted environments.
This treatment may be an effective temporary solution, but researchers need to do more research before we truly understand the benefits of treatment based on lung health.
Controlled cough
Controlled coughing removes excess mucus from the lungs and sends it into the air.
Doctors recommend that people with lung conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) do this exercise to cleanse the lungs.
People can clear excess mucus from their lungs by:
- Sit in a chair with your shoulders relaxed, feet on the floor
- By crossing your arms over your stomach
- Exhale slowly through the nose.
- Exhaling slowly, I leaned forward and put my hands over my stomach.
- Unconscious coughs two or three times, mouth slightly open.
- Exhale slowly through the nose.
- Rest and repeat as needed.
Remove mucus from the lungs.
Postural drainage involves lying in different positions to remove mucus from the lungs using gravity. This exercise can improve breathing and help treat or prevent lung infections.
The chair emptying techniques vary depending on the situation:
- After that
Lie on the floor or bed.
Place a pillow under your hips so that your chest is lower than your hips.
Each inhalation should be twice as long as the exhalation, which is called a 1:2 exhalation.
Continue for a few minutes.
- By your side
Lie on your side with your head resting on your arm or pillow.
Place a pillow under your hips.
Practice breathing 1:2.
Hold for a few minutes.
Repeat on the other side.
- In the stomach
Place a stack of pillows on the floor.
Lie face down on a pillow. Remember to keep your hips higher than your chest.
Practice breathing 1:2.
Hold for a few minutes.
Regular exercise not only improves a person’s physical and mental health and reduces the risk of many diseases, but it can also help a person maintain healthy lungs.
Exercise forces the muscles to work harder, which increases the body’s breathing rate, which increases the supply of oxygen to the muscles. It also improves blood circulation, which makes the body more efficient at removing excess carbon dioxide that the body produces during exercise.
Your body begins to adapt to the demands of regular exercise.
Although exercise can be more challenging for people with chronic lung disease, they can also benefit from regular exercise. People with medical conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or asthma are advised to consult a doctor before starting a new exercise program.
Green tea
Green tea is high in antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation in the lungs.
A 2018 study of more than 1,000 Korean adults found that people who drank at least two cups of green tea a day had better lung function than those who drank none.
Anti-inflammatory foods
Bronchitis can make breathing difficult and cause a feeling of heaviness in the chest. Eating anti-inflammatory foods can reduce inflammation and relieve these symptoms.
Foods that help fight inflammation include:
- Turmeric
- Vegetables
- cherry
- Cranberry
- Olive
- Crazy
- nuts
- lens
Chest percussion instruments
Percussion is another way to help clear excess mucus from the lungs. A health care worker or respiratory therapist taps the chest wall rhythmically with their hands to remove mucus that has entered the lungs.
A combination of chest compressions and postural drainage can help remove excess mucus from the airways.
Take care of yourself
As stated in this article, there is currently no medication or treatment specifically designed to cleanse the lungs. Instead, it is recommended to try to avoid possible contaminants.
This may include behavioral changes such as quitting smoking to avoid exposure or dietary changes and regular exercise to improve lung health.
Therefore, it is not recommended to try pills or lung cleansing methods that do not have scientific evidence to support their claims. If someone wants to improve their lung health, they can consult a doctor and get advice.
Toxins that have reached the lungs from cigarette smoke or air pollution can affect the whole body. This poison ends up in the mucus. Good respiratory health depends on the body effectively removing mucus from the lungs and airways.
People with damaged lungs may have other difficulties clearing mucus from their bodies. Chronic diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, and cystic fibrosis cause excessive mucus production or very thick mucus that can block the lungs.
Lung cleansing techniques, including postural drainage, chest compressions, and breathing exercises, can help clear mucus from the lungs and airways. Steam therapy can provide temporary relief for people with nasal congestion or chronic breathing problems.
Regular exercise, green tea, and anti-inflammatory foods are all lifestyle changes that can improve lung health and reduce the risk of disease.